
Member since ‎Oct 4, 2019
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Jill Richard

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gsatwik on January 17, 2020
The idea is to have a Multiple Select Drop-down, which can enable a form visitor to select multiple options for a property by clicking on a dropdown and searching for an option. This would essentially be an altrenative for Multiple Checkbox Field Ty read more
74 Replies
March 07, 2023
This is such a basic feature found in all other forms. The limitations and elementary look of HubSpot forms makes it hard to not look at a plug-in. more
jrichard on September 28, 2022
When creating an email page, blog, ect. the Rich Text module allows you to add an image inline and adjust the padding, etc. The email Rich Text module does not have that option. It makes the emails look extremely elementary because there is no way t read more
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AHuntington on September 06, 2022
There needs to be an option for credit card payment fees to be passed onto the customer. We would like to offer credit card payments as a option but want to be able to notify the customer that if they use a cc then there is a fee attached. And the read more
39 Replies
September 16, 2022
I totally agree with this! We need this feature!
dharrison on June 10, 2019
I would like to see the ability to add more than four fields to a pop-up form. While I can imagine some reasons for the logic behind keeping forms in pop-ups to a minimum (mainly, I'm guessing it probably makes it more likely that people will fill i read more
25 Replies
June 09, 2022
We would love to see this change as well! In the meantime, does anyone recommend a plugin I can use for these pop up forms to allow more fields? 4 more
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