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Member since ‎Oct 1, 2019
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Rey Vincent Timbas

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avyer on April 22, 2020
I'm exploring search v3 api and I'm using an OR filter for email and name, all is well but I was just wondering if there's a filter or sort for my preferred search results. { "filterGroups": [ { "filters": [ { "p read more
0 upvote
3 Replies
Participant | Platinum Partner
April 29, 2020
This wouldn't work for me as this would only sort email property alphabetically. In my case, If the the search would match an email, it would be on more
avyer on April 22, 2020
I'm exploring search v3 api and I'm using an OR filter for email and name, all is well but I was just wondering if there's a filter or sort for my preferred search results. { "filterGroups": [ { "filters": [ { "p read more
0 upvote
3 Replies
Participant | Platinum Partner
April 29, 2020
This wouldn't work for me as this would only sort email property alphabetically. In my case, If the the search would match an email, it would be on more
avyer on March 03, 2020
Just wanted to clarify what is the cause of this error: "status": "BAD_HUB", "message": "missing or unknown hub id" Deleted hubspot and expired test portals doesnt seemed to produce the same error Thanks!
1 upvote
11 Replies
Participant | Platinum Partner
March 04, 2020
Hi @WendyGoh , As I've tested agian today it finally produced the BAD_HUB status, it turns out a freshly deleted portal produced BAD_SCOPE at more
avyer on March 03, 2020
Just wanted to clarify what is the cause of this error: "status": "BAD_HUB", "message": "missing or unknown hub id" Deleted hubspot and expired test portals doesnt seemed to produce the same error Thanks!
1 upvote
11 Replies
Participant | Platinum Partner
March 04, 2020
Hi @WendyGoh , As I've tested agian today it finally produced the BAD_HUB status, it turns out a freshly deleted portal produced BAD_SCOPE at more
avyer on October 08, 2019
Hi, I'd like to ask if there's a workaround on adding/updating option values of read-only definition properties (e.g., Lead Status, Lifecylce Stage). It can be done on hubspot UI, but using the API calls from the docs gives errors on read-only d read more
Participant | Platinum Partner
October 09, 2019
I was actually going to bring up the method because the update in the UI actually uses the PATCH request but I wasn't sure if its a viable method to more
avyer on October 08, 2019
Hi, I'd like to ask if there's a workaround on adding/updating option values of read-only definition properties (e.g., Lead Status, Lifecylce Stage). It can be done on hubspot UI, but using the API calls from the docs gives errors on read-only d read more
Participant | Platinum Partner
October 09, 2019
I was actually going to bring up the method because the update in the UI actually uses the PATCH request but I wasn't sure if its a viable method to more
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