
Member since ‎Oct 1, 2019
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Richard Cote

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Mainata on April 13, 2021
Hi folks! I’m new to HubSpot and try to find my way but obviously, I need some help 😊 I have a lot of experience with coding email templates in div. email tools, but never done it in HubSpot. So I have to code an email template for a customer. I read more
June 07, 2023
I have had some success creating custom HTML email modules that work with drag and drop. The only thing that is missing is the ability to add custom more
vperoza on August 07, 2018
ROLE: For HubSpot Template Designers. GOAL: Increase flexibility of the BETA COS. VALUE: Speeds development time for template designers. Creates greater flexibility for the drag and drop interface, reducing the amount of custom code. Makes support read more
10 Replies
October 01, 2019
Bonk! I'm bumping into this wall right now. Modularity in templates shouldn't necessarily mean a visual element in the layout grid.
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