
Membro desde ‎set 26, 2019
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Mark Boulter


MarkBoulter on Outubro 10, 2019
Hi, Does anyone know if we can have email open notifications come in as emails? The pop ups are great but if we miss them then we need to access the hubspot CRM, lots of our sales guys spend most of their time in outlook so would be great to ha Leia mais
0 avaliações positivas
2 Respostas
Compuware on Dezembro 08, 2016
Would like the ability to view the account log-in activity of our Sales and Marketing users. Currently we have no way of knowing whether someone is logging into the system and using it or not.
295 avaliações positivas
83 Respostas
Outubro 09, 2019
Is there any feedback as to whether this is on the roadmap? Its such important information for us...
LucyWatson on Julho 23, 2019
I want my emails to automatically BCC in hubspot however it has stopped doing this and i cannot get it to do it again. I feel i have tried everything, uninstallaling, reinstalling...i still have to click on the hub spot app thing to get the BCC to c Leia mais
1 avaliações positivas
28 Respostas
Setembro 26, 2019
This is the actual solution to this - thanks for sharing!!
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