
Miembro desde ‎sep 20, 2019
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Justin Powell

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Junio 28, 2022
Just had this request again today by our CFO. Should be as simple as just adding a checkbox in the display options, right?
Noviembre 22, 2021
Adding my +1 to this as well. This is definitely a needed feature.
Agosto 10, 2021
@AdamSand Hubspot's ABM setup works for some of these use cases, but otherwise, no. I'd love one, though! I've seen some people put the additiona...Leer más
Julio 13, 2021
I also agree that this is a big problem with Hubspot. Being able to report rolled-up numbers at the company currency from the line item level is some...Leer más
Noviembre 18, 2020
Good god... how is this not already a thing? Please do this, but not just for deals - make it possible to report who created a record regardless of t...Leer más
Noviembre 18, 2020
This is huge. For years much of our content which is gated has been indexed by google and thus not actually gated if someone wanted to get around it....Leer más
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