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Ashley McCarthy

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amccarthy5892 on Juni 28, 2024
Currently when a custom line item is added to a payment link, the custom line item is not auto-created as a product. Even the option to create as a product would be valuable. As a company who uses Quickbooks and sends our date to Quickbooks for Beitrag ansehen
0 Antwort
amccarthy5892 on Mai 09, 2024
I'm honestly surprised that I'm having to even suggest this; however, when a new customer (i.e. new email address) checks out within a payment link, it does not update the new customer's contact record with the billing name as the First Name or Last Beitrag ansehen
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PIrigoyen on Mai 24, 2023
HubSpot does validate email addresses because there are backend records on the email addresses that can be checked online to verify if an email is valid or not. And so this is something that the forms tool does. If an email is not val Beitrag ansehen
3 Antworten
Januar 31, 2024
Much needed!!
amccarthy5892 on Juli 28, 2023
We're currently trying to create a list of contacts who have received an outbound call but don't have a follow-up task. Currently, we can't filter for those who don't have an existing task. It would be great if this were an option for our sales Beitrag ansehen
amccarthy5892 on Januar 13, 2023
Would be highly valuauable to be able to add required fields to quotes We're specifically interested in requiring First Name and Last Name. Currently, this is not possible and when someone uses a email not in our Hubspot system, it auto adds Beitrag ansehen
AbbyDavey on März 05, 2020
Not all of our clients will sign a quote - so I would like the ability to manually change the quote status please.
60 Antworten
Oktober 26, 2022
Would really be a value add to be able to manually adjust the quote status after it has been expired - we have an existing quote signed but "waiting ...Beitrag ansehen
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