
Contributor | Diamond Partner
Member since ‎Sep 16, 2019
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gsatwik on January 17, 2020
The idea is to have a Multiple Select Drop-down, which can enable a form visitor to select multiple options for a property by clicking on a dropdown and searching for an option. This would essentially be an altrenative for Multiple Checkbox Field Ty read more
78 Replies
Contributor | Diamond Partner
November 28, 2024
5 years waiting for this feature. Our clients needs this. We had to add a typeform or jotform to do this. ...
BérangèreL on August 30, 2024
Bonjour tout le monde 👋 La vidéo des nouveautés produit pour le mois d'août est disponible ! Voici les fonctionnalités discutées pour le mois d'août : Traduire votre contenu CRM Carte de la chronologie Allbound Rapports de read more
0 upvote
1 Reply
Contributor | Diamond Partner
August 30, 2024
Merci 🙂
kwilhelme on May 10, 2019
PLEASE give us the option to re-send blog notification emails for updated/republished posts. We've been blogging for over 8 years, so much of our content strategy is updating and re-publishing (in many cases this is a significant rewrite) of existin read more
15 Replies
Contributor | Diamond Partner
April 17, 2024
Tumbleweed on August 13, 2021
I was creating a form yesterday and suddenly had this message: "You have reached your custom property limit. Please remove a property and try again." I called support and they told me that one is only allowed 1000 custom properties per cli read more
8 Replies
Contributor | Diamond Partner
December 01, 2023
Yes very painful We have clients on Service Hub Enterprise and that the same. They have CSAT challenges and we can n ot help them
LROZY on November 30, 2023
Bonjour, Est il possible d'encoder l'ID contact de Hubspot afin que celui ci ne soit pas visible dans une url afin de le transmettre dans une Api ? Merci.
0 upvote
3 Replies
Contributor | Diamond Partner
December 01, 2023
Nope 😞
SarahBeck on January 27, 2020
It would be great to be able to set unenrollment criteria for sequences when a logged call that has the call outcome "connected". This would remove one extra steps for reps when you actually connect with someone on the phone. ----- read more
31 Replies
Contributor | Diamond Partner
June 22, 2023
Hi In planning since dec 21...Any news on this HUbspot team ?
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