
Member since ‎Sep 13, 2019
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Marie-Claude Veillette

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MCV on June 07, 2022
We often get no-shows to our meeting due to time zone confusion. Users do not see/notice the default time zone selected, and book thinking that the schedule presented matches their actual time. A few suggestions to help in that sense: -Havi read more
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MCV on February 01, 2022
We would need to modify the color of these indicators, because in some specific cases, an increase is a bad thing, and a decrease is what we are after. For example: The duration of the sales cycle.
MCV on February 09, 2021
We often have meetings booked in the wrong time zones, because the user didn't notice they had to select their time zone. This results in a lot of no-show meetings. It would be great if these 3 items were in a different order, and if the time zon read more
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bdlarson79 on November 18, 2020
I lead a team of Sales Development Reps. Our cheif KPI is Sales Qualified Leads. We just don't use the "meeting Link" as our chief purpose of a sequence, and I'd bet my salary the majority of sequence users don't either. Sure meeting links are great read more
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January 12, 2021
In our case, we DO care about the Meeting Rate results, but we would need to add a KPI which would be the "Conversion Rate" (how many leads actually more
MCV on July 17, 2020
Hi there, When reply to a received message with the "Tickets" feature, the Email pop-up in which I need to write my reply overlaps the message. Since I often have to refer to the received message as I am writing my reply, I therefore have read more
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jenniferlim on November 25, 2018
It would be great if HubSpot would allow me to save a draft of my email in the CRM.
September 13, 2019
Totally agree that saving a draft should be available as a basic feature directly in the CRM! The whole point of using Hubspot is to have more
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