
Participant | Diamond Partner
Member since ‎Sep 12, 2019
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Lise Lippert

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liselippert on April 28, 2021
Clone all blog posts from one blog to another in the same portal.
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Snaedis on September 07, 2020
There have been a number of different posts in the Community which are about the same core need (customizing the styling of the knowledge base), but many have been marked as "solved" or "delivered" because of options that get you part-way there. I'm read more
Participant | Diamond Partner
February 23, 2021
It would be nice if we could change the background color of the knowledge base to match the brands visual profile better. For now it's just possible more
liselippert on November 12, 2020
I'm creating a webpage for a customer using local development. How can I implement the blog on this webpage? I've manage to create a blog listing module, but I want the whole blog to be on the webpage. I want the blog to have the same header a read more
Participant | Diamond Partner
November 12, 2020
@Anton It's a HubSpot blog. I don't want to be redirected to a site. I would like to keep all the content of the blog on the more
liselippert on November 12, 2020
I'm creating a webpage for a customer using local development. How can I implement the blog on this webpage? I've manage to create a blog listing module, but I want the whole blog to be on the webpage. I want the blog to have the same header a read more
Participant | Diamond Partner
November 12, 2020
@Anton It's a HubSpot blog. I don't want to be redirected to a site. I would like to keep all the content of the blog on the more
liselippert on October 29, 2020
Anyone know if it's possible to integrate the knowledge base on a webpage? I have tried using iframe, but I have problems setting the height to page height. I don't want to scroll in the iframe, and the content length are varying, so it's difficu read more
Participant | Diamond Partner
November 11, 2020
@Kevin-C @daveroma Do you have any advice on how to solve this? 🙂
liselippert on October 29, 2020
Anyone know if it's possible to integrate the knowledge base on a webpage? I have tried using iframe, but I have problems setting the height to page height. I don't want to scroll in the iframe, and the content length are varying, so it's difficu read more
Participant | Diamond Partner
November 11, 2020
@Kevin-C @daveroma Do you have any advice on how to solve this? 🙂
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