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James Nichols

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romi on März 11, 2019
I would like Ticket properties that I can use in lists, to create workflows and to create scores. e.g. Someone has more than 5 tickets open within a 2 month period: Create an internal task to investigate Set a -10 on the Customer Happiness S Beitrag ansehen
November 01, 2021
Agreed! Why is there "Associated Deals", but not "Associated Tickets"??
Phildexter on Mai 31, 2017
for some reason it's not possible to sort the deals and contacts list by associated company. This would be very useful to group the deals/contacts from one company together while scrolling through the list. ...and since only a single compa Beitrag ansehen
Juli 22, 2021
How is this not possible? We just moved our whole service organization to HubSpot and little things like this are just becoming evident. Making for...Beitrag ansehen
samglenn on September 04, 2019
For all content options that allow you to organize with folders, it would be extremely helpful to be able to create folders within folders for better organization leading to less duplicates and efficiency when looking for content already created my Beitrag ansehen
Juni 18, 2021
@DJBailey Definitely! Makes me lose all faith that another issue with only 10 upvotes will ever get seen.... even though it is really needed as we...Beitrag ansehen
mark_poyser on Juli 09, 2020
Hi, Not sure if anyone else has come from Salesforce on here, but from reporting aspect it was very strong, with many options for configuring reports. On the options was 'group by' in reporting. I would say that this is where Hubspot has a weakness Beitrag ansehen
Juni 18, 2021
mark_poyser on Juli 09, 2020
Hi, Not sure if anyone else has come from Salesforce on here, but from reporting aspect it was very strong, with many options for configuring reports. On the options was 'group by' in reporting. I would say that this is where Hubspot has a weakness Beitrag ansehen
Juni 18, 2021
mark_poyser on Juli 09, 2020
Hi, Not sure if anyone else has come from Salesforce on here, but from reporting aspect it was very strong, with many options for configuring reports. On the options was 'group by' in reporting. I would say that this is where Hubspot has a weakness Beitrag ansehen
Juni 18, 2021
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