
Member since ‎Sep 5, 2019
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BHennessy3 on March 15, 2022
I have found that email recipients are not receiving hubspot emails. I have contacted UQ's IT support, asking them to allow emails from and a list of hubspot IP addresses as instructed by hubspot support. They investigated read more
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2 Replies
November 20, 2023
Were you ever given a solution for this? My team is having the same problem with clients not receiving emails from us that are sent with the CRM.
s-stringa on November 18, 2022
Hi everyone, we are using free hubspot tools. We have a big issue: in the last two or three weeks many one to one emails, sent within hubspot with a personal email (not the shared), are not received. This is not a problem with the recipient becau read more
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4 Replies
November 20, 2023
Were you able to find a solution for this? My team is having the same issue.
EAtkinson on February 20, 2022
Hi there, My customers are not receiving emails I have sent. Mulitple customers have called and advised they have not received my email. This is not a sales email. The email is sent from the individual contact screen. Is anybody else notici read more
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2 Replies
November 20, 2023
Were you ever given a solution for this from Hubspot? My team is having the same issue.
Rpetersen on November 20, 2023
Hello, it would be great if we could hide/filter out the subscription preference changes from the contact record the way you can filter out lifecycle changes or workflow enrollments, etc. It just bogs down the contact's activity record for my sales read more
Rpetersen on November 17, 2023
Hello, We have contacts entered into our CRM from a few sources so we can't always use HubSpot forms to validate emails before submission. Because of this, we currently have the Kickbox integration on our HubSpot account to manually run new c read more
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RRRadu on October 23, 2017
We use WordPress for our main site and we'd like to be able to associate WordPress pages to Campaigns. At the moment, we can only associate Blog or Landing pages hosted on Hubspot. It seems strange that while we use the Hubspot tracking code, an read more
154 Replies
September 22, 2022
Yes!!!! We need this!! Also, is anyone else having this problem... we used to be able to associate externally posted social media posts to campaigns more
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