
Miembro desde ‎sep 5, 2019
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Brett Jones

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Febrero 19, 2024
We'd love to be able to do this now. We have an outsourced SDR team working on a named account list. We've set up a company list in HS. I'd like ...Leer más
Enero 04, 2024
Thanks @dmastin I'm sure this addresses the issue. From what I can see in the reporting is that if I make the deal stage "required" then all it d...Leer más
Enero 03, 2024
@dmastin Just want to check if you're referring to the fix being for lifecycle stages that get skipped OR deal stages? Both are a problem for ...Leer más
Enero 03, 2024
100% This has been a challenge for us since we first started using HubSpot. Came here today to post this and saw a few other ideas for the same t...Leer más
Enero 03, 2024
100% - skipping stages in the deal pipeline means we can't accurately report on our sales funnel. Despite telling our AE's to not skip stages, they...Leer más
Junio 23, 2023
Yes please. Just ran into this issue now. Seems like an obvious feature for HubSpot to implement
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