
Member since ‎Aug 29, 2019
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Bart Vintcent

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RAIDBOXES on August 23, 2018
It should be possible to create Lead flows with CTA buttons for example. Not just the form possabilitys. HubSpot is a marketing platform isn't it? So please make it happen i can do marketing (!) stuff with leads and potential customers. Thanks read more
January 03, 2023
Hi @DomRychlik , I can't find the opt-in button in the editor. Would really like to try this new feature. It would really help us build a better more
bartvintcent on November 05, 2019
Hi guys, I'm trying to find out the best way to use multi language pages with HubDB and dynamic pages. Since I cannot set the Meta Title and Meta Description per language or through Hubl code, I'm wondering what solution would be best to solve t read more
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7 Replies
March 03, 2020
Hi @sandrine1 , Sorry for the late reply, but here's some insight on how I got this to work with just 1 template and 2 HubDB tables. So, I more
bartvintcent on November 05, 2019
Hi guys, I'm trying to find out the best way to use multi language pages with HubDB and dynamic pages. Since I cannot set the Meta Title and Meta Description per language or through Hubl code, I'm wondering what solution would be best to solve t read more
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7 Replies
March 03, 2020
Hi @sandrine1 , Sorry for the late reply, but here's some insight on how I got this to work with just 1 template and 2 HubDB tables. So, I more
bartvintcent on November 05, 2019
Hi guys, I'm trying to find out the best way to use multi language pages with HubDB and dynamic pages. Since I cannot set the Meta Title and Meta Description per language or through Hubl code, I'm wondering what solution would be best to solve t read more
0 upvote
7 Replies
March 03, 2020
Hi @sandrine1 , Sorry for the late reply, but here's some insight on how I got this to work with just 1 template and 2 HubDB tables. So, I more
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