
Member since ‎Jun 6, 2017
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Tony DeAscentis

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tdeascentis on January 12, 2024
Idea: for Sales Team Member Role Goal: eliminate extra steps that are cumbersome and low-value Value add: Eliminates time-consuming low-level/nonvalue add tasks. Screenshot: attached below. See the Green box where we should be able to pick th read more
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tdeascentis on January 10, 2024
Hi All, Is there a way in HubSpot to enable a person scheduling a meeting with me via my "sales meeting link" or the "insert proposed times" feature to pick their preference for the call. Would be great if they could check a box that says "call me read more
1 upvote
3 Replies
January 11, 2024
Great idea! Thanks for the solution. A lot of our customers are in the field all day - this should help. I am looking forward though to an more
tdeascentis on January 10, 2024
Hi All, Is there a way in HubSpot to enable a person scheduling a meeting with me via my "sales meeting link" or the "insert proposed times" feature to pick their preference for the call. Would be great if they could check a box that says "call me read more
1 upvote
3 Replies
January 11, 2024
Great idea! Thanks for the solution. A lot of our customers are in the field all day - this should help. I am looking forward though to an more
Devorah-Global on April 16, 2020
Hi, We send out meeting links for interviews. We want them to expire after lets say 10 days. We currently have people coming back a few months later and booking meetings with our team members. We'd love it if we can have a link expire for read more
27 Replies
May 23, 2023
Yes, would love to have this feature.
tdeascentis on April 25, 2023
Hi All, Is there a way in HubSpot to enable a person scheduling a meeting with me via my "sales meeting link" or the "insert proposed times" feature to pick their preference, i.e., phone, zoom, Webex, teams, and can I make one of the field required read more
tdeascentis on February 17, 2022
Hi All, What I'm trying to do: Create a form with 20 items on it, each with a check box for selection, then tell those who visit the form that they can only "check the box" for ten items. Ideally, identify the ten most frequently selected i read more
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