
Member since ‎Nov 28, 2016
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khughes on April 03, 2017
We have a need for the option to add CC and BCC to emails that are sent from HubSpot. We have two important use cases for this. Use case 1: We have a registration form set up on our website. When someone registers, they receive an automated email f read more
262 Replies
September 03, 2020
This is really something that should be added. Basic functionality here... Especially when importing third party sources and personalized emails more
pinch on December 25, 2018
I would like to get alerts when a contact firstname changes. Rather than polling the api, I would like to use a webhook to send me the data when it changes. I went to the developer console and created an app. I then subscribed to the trigger f read more
December 29, 2018
Derek_Gervais: the webhook notifications. HubSpot's authentication matches the OAuth 2 spec; for more info on OAuth 2, check out the more
pinch on December 25, 2018
I would like to get alerts when a contact firstname changes. Rather than polling the api, I would like to use a webhook to send me the data when it changes. I went to the developer console and created an app. I then subscribed to the trigger f read more
December 29, 2018
Derek_Gervais: the webhook notifications. HubSpot's authentication matches the OAuth 2 spec; for more info on OAuth 2, check out the more
pinch on December 25, 2018
I would like to get alerts when a contact firstname changes. Rather than polling the api, I would like to use a webhook to send me the data when it changes. I went to the developer console and created an app. I then subscribed to the trigger f read more
December 29, 2018
Derek_Gervais: the webhook notifications. HubSpot's authentication matches the OAuth 2 spec; for more info on OAuth 2, check out the more
amyT on July 11, 2017
The custom report feature is great but I think we should also be able to export the data from the custom report from the dashboard into an excel file in addition to pdf and ppt.
September 27, 2017
This should be not the raw granular data, rather the aggregated data displaying on the GUI
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