
Member since ‎Aug 22, 2019
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Caio Pereira

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caiorochap on February 07, 2020
Hi everyone. I've created an app so I can subscribe to the deal deletion event. I've been checking, the response I send to my endpoint is always 200 and the subscription is active. However, my database, which should have the records deleted once the read more
0 upvote
6 Replies
February 12, 2020
hey, @Derek_Gervais . Could you give me some help here?
caiorochap on February 07, 2020
Hi everyone. I've created an app so I can subscribe to the deal deletion event. I've been checking, the response I send to my endpoint is always 200 and the subscription is active. However, my database, which should have the records deleted once the read more
0 upvote
6 Replies
February 12, 2020
hey, @Derek_Gervais . Could you give me some help here?
caiorochap on February 07, 2020
Hi everyone. I've created an app so I can subscribe to the deal deletion event. I've been checking, the response I send to my endpoint is always 200 and the subscription is active. However, my database, which should have the records deleted once the read more
0 upvote
6 Replies
February 12, 2020
hey, @Derek_Gervais . Could you give me some help here?
caiorochap on February 07, 2020
Hi everyone. I've created an app so I can subscribe to the deal deletion event. I've been checking, the response I send to my endpoint is always 200 and the subscription is active. However, my database, which should have the records deleted once the read more
0 upvote
6 Replies
February 12, 2020
hey, @Derek_Gervais . Could you give me some help here?
AJLaPorte_diagr on December 13, 2018
The owners API doesn't return values for any team assignments on the users. If this could be added that would be very helpful. Either that or allow users to export a list of people from the users & teams dashboard.
October 24, 2019
caiorochap on October 18, 2019
Hi, I've been trying to extract some data from the Engagements API and found some fields not mapped in the output preview described on the Overview section. Here's a sample of those fields: ['id', 'portalId', 'active', 'createdAt', 'lastUpdated', ' read more
0 upvote
3 Replies
October 21, 2019
Hi there, @WendyGoh . Is there any guarantee that the modifiedBy and createdBy will be on all records I request? If there is, it's all good. I'd more
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