
Participant | Diamond Partner
Member since ‎Aug 22, 2019
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Geordie Roberts

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Participant | Diamond Partner
February 23, 2024
+1 on this! Looking to merge a couple of inboxes and ideally want the history of those conversations brought into the one inbox.
Participant | Diamond Partner
March 22, 2023
Currently, this new feature is still very limited. As the original poster mentioned, it would be helpful to be able to use a drag and drop style or more
Geordie on March 22, 2023
Hi there, Has anyone used the ad performance metrics in custom reports in Hubspot? Noticed it's new and went to test it out but there's a lot to unpack. Wondering if anyone else has had success or examples that they built from these metrics that read more
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Participant | Diamond Partner
October 11, 2022
Any update on this?
Participant | Diamond Partner
August 18, 2022
Very keen on this for custom objects, in particular, where based on the pipeline, our custom object associated has different properties.
Geordie on April 26, 2022
Would be great to view the marketing emails sent to the contacts associated with a deal on a deal card - in particular, if they are sent via a deal workflow. Currently, they appear on the contact which is an easy way to view them but it would be eve read more
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