
Member since ‎Aug 21, 2019
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Alexa Rzasa

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arzasa on August 04, 2020
This is available within the individual Account Overviews, it'd be great if we could filter the Target Account view too.
arzasa on August 04, 2020
As of right now, there is no accurate way to track SLAs for Inbound sales leads. In order to effectively track SLAs, Sales & Marketing leaders need to be able to pull reports that include Time of Form Submission and Time of Sales Activity Compl read more
arzasa on July 23, 2020
The option to create a smart rule-based off of Email Client could allow for more targeted emails. The Email Marketing tool has reporting on deliverability by Email Client, can we use that data to create a smart rule for other emails or CTAs? Use C read more
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JessicaReed on September 23, 2019
I am wondering if there is a way to upload the 'attachments' on a contacts page to be in folders instead of just uploading into a bit of an unorganised mess. If that makes sense. For example with recruitment purposes, if we could create a 'C read more
108 Replies
May 27, 2020
I agree with all of the above posts on this issue. More specifically, enterprise deals often have various categories of documents shared back and more
StaceyM on April 27, 2017
I work in a team spread across 4 different time zones. It would be helpful if each of us could have our local time zone associated with our HS profile and that would carry through when I'm scheduling activities or assigning tasks.
225 Replies
November 13, 2019
This is a necessary feature for most sales orgs that have US and Global Sales teams. Is this functionality going to be included in any of the more
arzasa on October 16, 2019
Creating the ability to stagger the send time on large bulk automated emails that are going to multiple list segments, directly from the Send function within the email. Email clients and spam filters are adapting to the increasing volume of mar read more
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