
Member since ‎Aug 20, 2019
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Alicia Garfield

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AGarfield on August 20, 2019
Hi all, I am teaching a product and market planning course this Fall where the students come up with a new product extension work on the launch from both product management and product marketing management perspectives. I taught it before in-pe read more
August 23, 2019
Thank you very much for this excellent reply. I really appreciate it. - Alicia
jgueron on May 03, 2019
We're so glad to have you join the Education Partner Community here at HubSpot. This is your space to ask questions, connect, and chat about the education. Please take a moment and answer a few questions. We'd all love to get to know you: read more
133 Replies
August 22, 2019
Thanks, I'll check these out! BTW the book I use for class is: Crawford M and Di Benedetto A. New Products Management . 11th edition, more
jgueron on August 01, 2019
You heard it here first! There will be two * NEW * Sales Certifications coming to HubSpot Academy by September 3rd, 2019. The Frictionless Sales Certification HubSpot created the Frictionless Selling Framework earlier this year as a read more
August 21, 2019
These sound amazing and would work well in our Sales force Management course. Thank you for creating these valuable resources!
jgueron on May 03, 2019
We're so glad to have you join the Education Partner Community here at HubSpot. This is your space to ask questions, connect, and chat about the education. Please take a moment and answer a few questions. We'd all love to get to know you: read more
133 Replies
August 22, 2019
Thanks, I'll check these out! BTW the book I use for class is: Crawford M and Di Benedetto A. New Products Management . 11th edition, more
AGarfield on August 20, 2019
Hi all, I am teaching a product and market planning course this Fall where the students come up with a new product extension work on the launch from both product management and product marketing management perspectives. I taught it before in-pe read more
August 23, 2019
Thank you very much for this excellent reply. I really appreciate it. - Alicia
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