
Member since ‎Aug 19, 2019
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Jamie Gottlieb

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BiG on July 26, 2019
I want to ask HubSpot to support if statements in email templates as soon as possible. It would be a really big help in providing customized content to our potential customers in our emails. We currently support 7 languages. Currently, all read more
42 Replies
March 12, 2020
Just a note, Hubspot recently expanded smart content to include most modules, so I've had success creating segmented lists and creating smart rules more
jamieg on October 29, 2019
Hi Everyone, I am looking for workarounds for A/B testing a marketing workflow. I want to start by saying I am aware that: a) You can not currently a/b test for workflows b) There are different articles with workarounds for workflows Unfo read more
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5 Replies
October 29, 2019
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jamieg on October 29, 2019
Hi Everyone, I am looking for workarounds for A/B testing a marketing workflow. I want to start by saying I am aware that: a) You can not currently a/b test for workflows b) There are different articles with workarounds for workflows Unfo read more
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5 Replies
October 29, 2019
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jamieg on October 29, 2019
Hi Everyone, I am looking for workarounds for A/B testing a marketing workflow. I want to start by saying I am aware that: a) You can not currently a/b test for workflows b) There are different articles with workarounds for workflows Unfo read more
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5 Replies
October 29, 2019
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jamieg on October 08, 2019
Hello Hubspot Community! I am wondering what the easiest workaround would be to send a single-send A/B test for under 1,000 recipients using an active list. I understand that <1,000 people is ~not~ statistically significant. However/for b read more
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2 Replies
October 08, 2019
Thank you! Yes, that makes sense - I was doing an A/B partial split, hence why it only sent the "winning" result.
jamieg on October 08, 2019
Hello Hubspot Community! I am wondering what the easiest workaround would be to send a single-send A/B test for under 1,000 recipients using an active list. I understand that <1,000 people is ~not~ statistically significant. However/for b read more
0 upvote
2 Replies
October 08, 2019
Thank you! Yes, that makes sense - I was doing an A/B partial split, hence why it only sent the "winning" result.
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