
Member since ‎Aug 14, 2019
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Benett Bootz

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BenettB on November 19, 2020
Our company uses your workflows HEAVILY, but we are constantly having to work around one major limitation: The workflows can only change properties on one type of HubSpot object. For example, if you start a ticket-based workflow, you can only change read more
47 Replies
December 23, 2020
@zeke thanks! It's good to know that the area of inter-object associations is being worked on! We'll be the first in line.
BenettB on November 19, 2020
Our company uses your workflows HEAVILY, but we are constantly having to work around one major limitation: The workflows can only change properties on one type of HubSpot object. For example, if you start a ticket-based workflow, you can only change read more
47 Replies
December 23, 2020
@zeke thanks! It's good to know that the area of inter-object associations is being worked on! We'll be the first in line.
BenettB on November 19, 2020
Our company uses your workflows HEAVILY, but we are constantly having to work around one major limitation: The workflows can only change properties on one type of HubSpot object. For example, if you start a ticket-based workflow, you can only change read more
47 Replies
December 23, 2020
@zeke thanks! It's good to know that the area of inter-object associations is being worked on! We'll be the first in line.
rwolupo on January 12, 2019
I would like to display my dashboard on a screen in full screen mode (TV Wall). But the HubSpot menu and the editing buttons don't display this fully. So we need an option to a) display only the report blocks from a dashboard (without menu etc) read more
18 Replies
July 22, 2020
We were looking for something like this too. One option that we found in the meantime: Make a dashboard with just one report on it - the one you more
KakoK on July 12, 2019
Hi I tried to connect existing registration form to inbox, but it does not appear in the list. On the other hand, when I ->Inbox->Forms->Create a New Form I am only able to create ticket forms. Those forms do not appear in my forms read more
1 upvote
7 Replies
October 30, 2019
Hi @jennysowyrda I found your answer here about how the form connected to an inbox needs to be a Support form. This is a problem for us because more
Antonino on July 30, 2018
Hey hey, we would appreciate the feature, that email signatures will automatically be added when a team member replies to an email within the Conversations / Team inbox. Currently we are using snippets as a workaround, but that should not be the read more
142 Replies
August 14, 2019
Being able to select from available signatures would be helpul in the inbox, but also when replying to/within a ticket. I'd also like to be able to more
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