Was a community developer building on the HS platform for 4 years prior to working at HubSpot, started multiple open source projects related to HubSpot.
Go to my website to connect with me on web development and HubSpot development tips and tricks.
This is a reposting of the HubSpot Developer Changelog. See there for better formatting. Also the official changelog is the source of truth if this post is ever inconsistent. https://developers.hubspot.com/changelog/updates-to-sandboxes-and-cli-sa read more
The content below is a reposting of the February 2024 changelog , feel free to discuss below.
Before we head into March, we've got a number of updates that have rolled out this month from CRM development experience enhancements, app marketp read more
Hey there @chavezz355 , thanks for reaching out. You are correct, currently the onCrmPropertiesUpdate feature only triggers based on changes made...read more
This is a reposting from the developer changelog . If there are any text differences between this copy and the original on the changelog the changelog is the source of truth. -- URLs for a popular polyfill service (polyfill.io) began serving malic read more
This is a reposting of the announcement on the HubSpot Developer Changelog , if there are any differences between this post and the version on the changelog, the changelog is the source of truth.
The datetimetformat , between_times , u read more
I appreciate you taking the time to reply. I started to second guess myself on that. Others may similarly get confused on that, so by replying with ...read more
This is a reposting of the HubSpot Developer Changelog Announcement , if there are any differences in this copy, the official changelog version is the source of truth. Version 6 of the HubSpot CLI drops support for Node v16. Node.js v16 reached read more
This is a reposting of the announcement on the HubSpot Developer Changelog , if there are any differences between this post and the version on the changelog, the changelog is the source of truth.
The datetimetformat , between_times , u read more
I appreciate you taking the time to reply. I started to second guess myself on that. Others may similarly get confused on that, so by replying with ...read more
With the release of the style field functionality existing modules which may have been using content fields as styling fields currently do not have a path to migrate to the new style fields because existing saved data will not map to new fields with read more
This is a reposting of the HubSpot Developer Changelog Announcement , if there are any differences in this copy, the official changelog version is the source of truth. Version 6 of the HubSpot CLI drops support for Node v16. Node.js v16 reached read more
This is a reposting of the HubSpot developer changelog, if there are any differences in the text, the version on the developer changelog is the source of truth. https://developers.hubspot.com/changelog/long-standing-hubl-limits-will-now-be-properly read more
The below text comes from our developer Changelog - the official source of truth for all developer related HubSpot changes. If this version differs in any regard to the version posted there, the developer changelog is the version to trust. Depr read more
The original Developer Changelog announcement . The article content is copied from that post below for convenience. If you have questions or comments you can leave them below.
HubSpot has 3 areas where developers can build serverless functi read more
This announcement on the forums is a cross-posting of this changelog announcement.
As announced on October 7, 2021, we stopped accepting new submissions and updates to templates, template packs, modules, and email templates. On October 20, read more
(function($) {
//selectors for hover card triggers
var allHoverCardTriggers = '.author-name-link,.friend-list .friend a,.username a,.avatar,.user-avatar,.author-img, .authors a, .messageauthorusername a, a.lia-user-name-link, .js-latest-post-by-from a, .user-online-list li a, a.UserAvatar, .customUsersOnline a, #authors a,.dashboard-followers a.user-name, .dashboard-following a.user-name,.author-login-wrapper a, .hb-leaderboard a, .author-img-floated';
// Forward calling page's URL params to endpoint URL as well, helps with testing!
var params = (new URL(location.href)).searchParams;
var userApiUrl = '/plugins/custom/hubspot/hubspot/hovercardendpoint?' + ((params.set('user_id', '') == []._) && params.toString());
var cardWrapper = $('.hover-card-container');
var error = false;
var thisUserID = '';
var thisUserLogin = '';
var userLink ='';
var cardTimer;
var leaveTimer;
function mouseenter(Elem) {
var thisEl = Elem;
cardTimer = setTimeout(function(){
var docWidth = $(document).width();
var rightSide = false;
var userLink = thisEl.attr('href');
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return false;}
var thisLen = (userLink).split('/');
thisUserID = (thisLen)[thisLen.length-1];
var thisCard = $('.profileCard[data-user='+thisUserID+']',cardWrapper);
var cardId = 'userProfileCard-'+ thisUserID;
var addAttr = thisEl.attr('aria-describedby',cardId);
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var distanceLeft = Math.round(thisEl.offset().left);
var bodyHight = $('body').height();
var topParam = '';
var bottomparam = '';
var position = '';
var className = 'topArrow';
if(distanceBottom < 300 ){
if(distanceLeft < 59){
var className = 'leftArrow';
var distanceLeft = (distanceLeft)+(39);
var thisElTopOffset = (thisElTopOffset)-(150);
var thisElTopOffset = (thisElTopOffset)-(301); var className = 'bottomArrow'; thisCard.removeClass('topArrow');
var distanceLeft = (distanceLeft)-(45);
if(distanceLeft < 59){
var className = 'leftArrow';
var distanceLeft = (distanceLeft)+(39);
var thisElTopOffset = (thisElTopOffset)-(150);
var distanceLeft = (distanceLeft)-(45);
if(thisCard.length && $('.profileCard[data-user='+thisUserID+'] .preloader',cardWrapper).length<1){
} else {
var ajaxReturn = '';
//just in case
//hover card wrapper markup
var rightArrowClass = rightSide?'rightArrow':'';
if(thisElTopOffset != "auto"){
topParam = 'px';
if(thisElbottomoffset != "auto"){
bottomparam = 'px';
var profileCardHtml = '';
//get the background
type: 'GET',
url: userApiUrl+thisUserID,
dataType: 'html',
success: function(data) {
ajaxReturn = data;
if($('.profileCard[data-user='+thisUserID+'] .preloader',cardWrapper).length){
$('.profileCard[data-user='+thisUserID+'] .preloader',cardWrapper).parents('div.profileCard').remove();
//uh oh - bail out!
}, 360);
function mouseleave(e) {
// glowingblue: When the user leaves the hovercard trigger, wait because the leaving could be
// to interact with the hovercard, if we don't wait it will just disappear...because
// we left the trigger, right...so we'll have another handler that check if the mouse is
// over the hovercard and if so clears this timer, so the card doesn't close here
leaveTimer = setTimeout(function() {
if ($('.profileCard[data-user="'+thisUserID+'"]',cardWrapper).length) {
} else {
}, 2400);
$(document).on("mouseenter focusin", allHoverCardTriggers, function(event) {
if(!($(this).parents().hasClass('custom-header'))&& !($(this).parents().hasClass('green-wrap'))){
(leaveTimer !== []._) && clearTimeout(leaveTimer);
$(document).on("mouseleave focusout", allHoverCardTriggers, function(event) {
(leaveTimer !== []._) && clearTimeout(leaveTimer);
// glowingblue: Add handlers for when the users interacts with the hovercard, no closing!
$('.hover-card-container').on('mouseenter', function(e) {
(leaveTimer !== []._) && clearTimeout(leaveTimer);
$('.hover-card-container').on('mouseleave', function(e) {
(leaveTimer !== []._) && clearTimeout(leaveTimer);
if ( $(e.target).is('.profileCard[style*="block"]') ) {
leaveTimer = setTimeout(function() {
}, 2400);
// glowingblue: add one global root level click handler to also close any visible hovercards
// if the user taps/clicks outside the hovercard
$(document).on('mousedown', function(e) {
if ( !$(e.target).parents('.hover-card-container').length ) {
(leaveTimer != []._) && clearTimeout(leaveTimer);
$('.hover-card-container .profileCard[style*="block"]').each(function() {
(function($) {
var originalElementId;
function setCookie(cname,cvalue,exdays) {
var d = new Date();
d.setTime(d.getTime() + (exdays*24*60*60*1000));
var expires = "expires=" + d.toGMTString();
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var decodedCookie = decodeURIComponent(document.cookie);
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while (c.charAt(0) == ' ') {
c = c.substring(1);
if (c.indexOf(name) == 0) {
return c.substring(name.length, c.length);
return "";
function errorDisplay(errType) {
var errAuth = '
To access this area of the Community, please log in.
var errAuthLogin = '
To access the HubSpot Community Champions program and complete opportunities, confirm you are logged in by clicking here. Find additional troubleshooting steps here
var noBadges = '
To start earning advocacy badges, go to the Community Champions advocacy program page and start completing opportunities.
var noAsks = '
Hooray! You\'ve completed all available opportunities. Check back in for more opportunities next month.