
Member since ‎Aug 7, 2019
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John Chalovich

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TextioJohn on April 18, 2024
We sync one HubSpot property, Status (SF), to two Salesforce fields: Lead Status, and Contact Status. The intent is to have one unified field to track Lead Status from when a Salesforce Lead is created, through when it's converted to a Contact. read more
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TextioJohn on January 26, 2023
A bunch of our contacts got overwritten when an email to sign up for a webinar was forwarded to colleagues. HubSpot passes the cookie from the OG recipient to the person the email is forwarded to, so that when they click a link in the email and subm read more
TextioJohn on June 12, 2022
It would be super useful to be able to drill into email performance to understand engagement metrics by list membership, without having to configure and send separate cloned emails. For example, I'd love to send one product announcement email to read more
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ngambuti on February 24, 2020
To be able to unmerge contacts. It is often an issue if two different contacts use the same browser, where their activity feed would be combined. To be able to check off which entries you are moving to a new contact, then create that new cont read more
54 Replies
September 28, 2021
This would be really helpful when a contact is accidentally merged because the cookies are matched to the same device on separate form submissions. more
TextioJohn on July 02, 2021
Often I'll want to A/B test more than just email variations: I'll want to test variations in the time delay between emails, variation in the actions that trigger the next email... all to learn what the best workflow logic is for the highest engageme read more
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AdamZen on March 20, 2020
A/B testing is fundamental to marketing!! HubSpot should have A/B functionality on ALL pages: blog, landing and web pages. Currently only available for website pages. Does anyone know a workaround?
April 22, 2021
@Snaedis This is important to my company primarily for headline testing. We see huge engagement differences across blog titles (especially clicks more
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