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Lizzie Griffiths

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lizzienom on November 16, 2020
Hello, Currently it's possible to run reports on the first interaction that converted a lead. We really need the functionality to be able to run reports on the Campaign that converted that lead into an MQL. For example, if I had a lead tha Beitrag ansehen
meganatorlo on Januar 09, 2020
Please could we have the ability to set goals against LifeCycle stages, for example MQL's, since we are targetted on how many we generate and it would be fantastic to be able to see reports against this target. Also, the sales team are also t Beitrag ansehen
Juli 31, 2020
Needed! Especially as you can put Goals against sales & service metrics.
lizzienom on Juni 16, 2020
Exploring whether it would be possible to have an 'exclusion' list (or similar) for Salesforce whereby leads / contacts that meet that criteria (would be deduced by a field) aren't created in HubSpot. Is this possible?
roisinkirby on Oktober 20, 2016
Hi 👋 Welcome to the HubSpot community! We are thrilled to have you here! ❤️ We want you to know that this community has been created with you in mind to build professional connections, explore new ideas, access video tutorials, Beitrag ansehen
4173 Antworten
März 05, 2020
Hi fellow Champion users! Very happy to be part of this community and connect with likeminded individuals who love HubSpot as much as I do ...Beitrag ansehen
joshflightbucks on April 11, 2017
My company has a workflow that requires one side of the company (claim specalists) to deal with sensitive information of individuals (under contacts) and the other side of the company (sales) to work with companies and contacts to partner with our c Beitrag ansehen
118 Antworten
November 12, 2019
Really needed for when working with a partner... i.e. can only show deals that you're both involved in.
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