
Member since ‎Aug 6, 2019
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Cole Herman

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CodyDuda on August 12, 2020
If we set up a workflow for a temporary period, like a sale or promo, it would be great to set an expiration date so the workflow will shut off automatically and messages do not continue to send past the expiration of the offer period. For conte read more
23 Replies
September 23, 2021
We need this ASAP
realizeit on March 14, 2017
Since i use Tasks every day (and live in the Tasks field), I absolutely need a way to track data in those tasks. For instance, I want to see who I've contacted via Tasks over a certain period of time. I want to see a list of contacts where I created read more
20 Replies
March 30, 2021
This needs to be done in the task menu!
cherman on January 11, 2021
Why is it that when I select 'move to folder' in lists, forms, workflows, or marketing emails, it copies the list and pastes it into the folder, however, it doesn't remove it from the all lists selection? It's a copy to folder, not a move to read more
taylorfriss on September 04, 2017
It would be realllllly nice if we could rename list folders. Right now I keep having to make new child folders with different names and transferring all of the sublists into that folder, instead of a simple rename.
57 Replies
January 11, 2021
I agree, why the inconsistency?
rachelbrowne on January 02, 2020
In the meetings tool, you can currently choose when a meeting can be scheduled. However, the options are "this week and next week", weeks in advance, or a custom date range. It would be great if you could set it to "blank days" (3 days for examp read more
24 Replies
February 19, 2020
I would like new options for "When a meeting can be scheduled" when setting up a calendar. The options for this week and next week, 3 weeks, 4 weeks, more
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