
Member since ‎Jun 2, 2017
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edutechno on January 31, 2017
It would be great to have the sales extension for Firefox also. Right now, it is available for Chrome and Outlook only.
October 14, 2019
Well, there you have it. It only took HubSpot 3 years to give us a non-answer as to why they refuse to support Firefox/consumer choice/privacy....
dfrankfurter on December 06, 2016
The use of mail tracking requires third party cookies to be enabled. This allows all websites to place 3rd party cookies. Is there a way to limit the placement of third party cookies to hubspot so that mail tracking still works?
May 24, 2019
Ditto. Disabling "Block Third Party Cookies" works, but I'd prefer to not disable that and only whitelist what I'd need to. So far I have: [* more
andres on March 10, 2017
Hello! It would be amazing that the software recognize the links in a document. In our proposals we have a PDF that we send to our customers, and into the document you can find links like: "Do you want know more? Click here". Pressing here, th read more
47 Replies
May 08, 2019
@orangepegs I guess I’m just frustrated that there has not been any action on this (which is fairly minor in the scheme of things) AND the fact more
andres on March 10, 2017
Hello! It would be amazing that the software recognize the links in a document. In our proposals we have a PDF that we send to our customers, and into the document you can find links like: "Do you want know more? Click here". Pressing here, th read more
47 Replies
May 08, 2019
@orangepegs I guess I’m just frustrated that there has not been any action on this (which is fairly minor in the scheme of things) AND the fact more
edutechno on January 31, 2017
It would be great to have the sales extension for Firefox also. Right now, it is available for Chrome and Outlook only.
October 14, 2019
Well, there you have it. It only took HubSpot 3 years to give us a non-answer as to why they refuse to support Firefox/consumer choice/privacy....
edutechno on January 31, 2017
It would be great to have the sales extension for Firefox also. Right now, it is available for Chrome and Outlook only.
October 14, 2019
Well, there you have it. It only took HubSpot 3 years to give us a non-answer as to why they refuse to support Firefox/consumer choice/privacy....
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