
Member since ‎Aug 5, 2019
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Magnus Kunhardt

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mkunhardt on January 03, 2023
Currently all internal users run into the web analytics. The exclusion by IP Adress does not work any longer since many collegues wor from home. This would mean that we need to now everybodies IP address which in many cases are dynamic. This make th read more
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Viddy on April 21, 2022
hi all posting on behalf of my customer: they are looking for a way to be able to set time-based rules for their CTA to show, specifically they have a "Call Us" CTA and they not want it to show on weekends when no one is able to mend their ph read more
3 Replies
July 26, 2022
this would also be very helpful for us
Sindy on October 29, 2019
A link to the Customer Satisfaction Survey which I can copy and send directly to customer to also fill out
1 Reply
January 27, 2021
We need that too
WarrenE on May 28, 2017
We have a site in different languages. The HubSpot COS double opt-in configuration (found in COS -> Content -> Content Settings -> Email -> Double Opt-in) is only supported in one language . Would be great if this was availabl read more
107 Replies
October 17, 2019
Same here, we need this to differentiate between languages and brands
kagillespie on October 04, 2017
It would be very useful if Enterprise customers that are hosting multiple domains could have more than one active email preferences page. If the domains are completely unrelated and a contact is subscribed to one domain, why do they have to see all read more
August 05, 2019
Hi, we run two Brands on two domains in the enterprise version and as for now its impossible to have seperate system settings for the different more
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