
Member since ‎Jun 2, 2017
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Carrie Kennedy

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ckennedy on December 17, 2020
We have been using the platform since 2014 and have a TON of emails, and I would love to be able to narrow down my email search in Hubspot. For example, it would be great to be able to filter down by highest open rate (currently available) but also read more
1 upvote
1 Reply
Biduido on September 02, 2019
Hi, I'm trying to schedule a webinar with Zoom and I'm struggling with something. Following the instructions, I managed to integrate both software flawlessly, as users can register to the webinar through Hubspot's landings pages and forms. No probl read more
1 upvote
21 Replies
July 23, 2020
Thanks @LROADY ! You are MY HERO. It took a few trials to get the correct webinar ID populated but the confirmation emails are working. more
Biduido on September 02, 2019
Hi, I'm trying to schedule a webinar with Zoom and I'm struggling with something. Following the instructions, I managed to integrate both software flawlessly, as users can register to the webinar through Hubspot's landings pages and forms. No probl read more
1 upvote
21 Replies
July 23, 2020
Thanks @LROADY ! You are MY HERO. It took a few trials to get the correct webinar ID populated but the confirmation emails are working. more
mdunham on March 05, 2019
Hey HubSpot - we would love to have Zoom Webinar fulling integrated into the HubSpot platform!!
4 Replies
June 08, 2020
Hey Hubspot -- I see you "delivered" on Zoom webinar features but that apparently doesn't include natively linking webinar registrations to forms in more
ckennedy on May 08, 2019
We have a lot of old workflows with old emails we no longer use. It would be great to be able to archive these workflows, same as we can archive the emails within them. It would clean up our workflows a lot and help us be more organized.
9 Replies
April 01, 2020
Let me also add on to that and request the ability to delete workflows as well. We have workflows to sync properties to account reps that no longer more
ckennedy on August 23, 2019
Not sure why I have to ask for this, but I thought the whole point of creating email folders in Hubspot is to organize your general email list better. Please actually categorize and move emails into the folders I created rather than copying them the read more
1 Reply
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