
Miembro desde ‎ago 2, 2019
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Aris Krikelis

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arisdorf en Enero 18, 2021
Hello, I'm new to the sales hub and would like to migrate our pipeline and deals to Hubspot but so far I'm getting the impression that the Sales Hub is more geared towards a simple deal structure suited for products rather than services. We Leer más
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3 Respuestas
Agosto 29, 2019
Thanks very much for this, Hubspot Pop-Up form seems indeed to be the ideal solution!
Agosto 22, 2019
Thank you for your reply. Indeed, I provide the content in the blog as an html and only the pdf of the content would be hidden behind a form. I was h...Leer más
arisdorf en Agosto 21, 2019
Hello, I'm using the blog feature as a general "knowledge center" in our website that holds articles, case studies and tech notes. While all the content is openly accessible, the tech notes are also available for a download as a pdf (with a CTA Leer más
0 Me gusta
4 Respuestas
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