
Member since ‎Aug 1, 2019
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segall12 on October 20, 2017
Any plans for those who use gmail through Safari? Seems like a very glaring ommission as a supported browser Thanks, Lorne
July 23, 2024
Hubspot this is so upsetting. We don't want to be forced to use Chrome. Having it on Safari would lead to a much faster experience on Macs (for more
levitatelondon on July 23, 2024
Hi there, I use Hubspot for all my CRM / new business. My workflow involves creating deals and tasks. Sometimes just tasks for existing clients and prospects if a conversation isn't likely to produce a deal. I use Motion to schedule my days read more
3 Replies
segall12 on October 20, 2017
Any plans for those who use gmail through Safari? Seems like a very glaring ommission as a supported browser Thanks, Lorne
July 23, 2024
Hubspot this is so upsetting. We don't want to be forced to use Chrome. Having it on Safari would lead to a much faster experience on Macs (for more
JessHurwitz on July 21, 2020
Adding the ability to use Apple Business Chat to communicate and service clients in HubSpot Service Hub similar to the way they have started to work with Zendesk would be a great suggestion and idea. Reference: read more
10 Replies
February 22, 2023
Agreed, I'm pretty sad to see that Hubspot isn't in the dropdown at the final page of setting up Apple Messages for Business!
Twerb on June 07, 2021
I know there was a post originally suggesting this in 2017 but Apple business chat has come a long way and given the WWDC announcements of the addition to screen sharing this would be amazing for assisting clients with filling in forms etc. I have u read more
4 Replies
February 22, 2023
1000% I just had a sad moment when I got to the final page of setting up Apple Messages for Business and realised Hubspot is not in the dropdown!
levitatelondon on February 14, 2023
Zoom (Mac app) does this incredibly annoying thing every time I use the Hubspot CRM Zoom app. It dings (like an error / notification sound) every time I type something new into the notes. People on the other end ask me if I've somewhere else to be a read more
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4 Replies
February 16, 2023
Hi Diana, thanks so much for the quick response and suggestion. I've just gone through the steps (uninstalled and reinstalled) but sadly no dice! more
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