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Rebecca Wong

I work with customers in APAC on advanced HubSpot technical topics!


Gumpi on April 14, 2020
HubSpot does not automatically set a value of 0 for empty fields. If any of the number properties used in a custom equation have no value, the calculated property value will be empty. This should be fixed!
HubSpot Employee
August 15, 2023
Hey folks, came across this thread while also finding a solution for my client. HubSpot just released an advanced formula editor for calculated p...Beitrag ansehen
Yeti_Chris on August 06, 2020
We have built an integration to help integrate Webex in a way to allow for the creation of unique login ID's for each person who registers. Curious to see if this group has this challenge.
27 Antworten
HubSpot Employee
Oktober 13, 2022
Hey @Yeti_Chris , dropped you a direct message! Could you reach out to me please? Thanks a bunch!
Yeti_Chris on August 06, 2020
We have built an integration to help integrate Webex in a way to allow for the creation of unique login ID's for each person who registers. Curious to see if this group has this challenge.
27 Antworten
HubSpot Employee
Oktober 13, 2022
Hey @Yeti_Chris , dropped you a direct message! Could you reach out to me please? Thanks a bunch!
rwong on Juni 22, 2020
Working with customers directly, I find that they are often daunted by importing in their data, especially if they’re new to HubSpot. As such, I want to share some useful tips I’ve compiled with the help of my teammates on how to plan smart before Beitrag ansehen
HubSpot Employee
März 27, 2022
Yes you're right. I typically recommend importing all companies first, and then exporting them from HubSpot to get their company IDs. Then, update ...Beitrag ansehen
rwong on Juni 22, 2020
Working with customers directly, I find that they are often daunted by importing in their data, especially if they’re new to HubSpot. As such, I want to share some useful tips I’ve compiled with the help of my teammates on how to plan smart before Beitrag ansehen
HubSpot Employee
März 27, 2022
Yes you're right. I typically recommend importing all companies first, and then exporting them from HubSpot to get their company IDs. Then, update ...Beitrag ansehen
rwong on Juni 22, 2020
Working with customers directly, I find that they are often daunted by importing in their data, especially if they’re new to HubSpot. As such, I want to share some useful tips I’ve compiled with the help of my teammates on how to plan smart before Beitrag ansehen
HubSpot Employee
März 27, 2022
Yes you're right. I typically recommend importing all companies first, and then exporting them from HubSpot to get their company IDs. Then, update ...Beitrag ansehen
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