
Member since ‎Jul 30, 2019
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Jeroen De Pelsmaeker

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jeroendp on October 30, 2020
At the moment you have the possibility to disable account access in the settings of a user. This is a nice feature, but the user still has view access to all settings, despite the fact that I did not give him "Account access". In my read more
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2 Replies
December 08, 2020
Any news on this topic ? Will this be fixed in the near future ?
jeroendp on October 30, 2020
At the moment you have the possibility to disable account access in the settings of a user. This is a nice feature, but the user still has view access to all settings, despite the fact that I did not give him "Account access". In my read more
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2 Replies
December 08, 2020
Any news on this topic ? Will this be fixed in the near future ?
jeroendp on April 29, 2020
I am building a chatbot which calculates something based on the variables the user provides during the chat. I now abused the calculated fields but ran into some problems : Calculated fields can't be formatted, which causes a useless numbe read more
mikee on April 19, 2019
The current behavior for calculated properties is to round to two (or more) decimal places. It would be helpful to instead allow results to be rounded to the nearest whole number (an integer) – instead of two decimal places. Even better would be to read more
74 Replies
April 03, 2020
Was also looking for this.
hayesnelson on June 27, 2017
I'd like to be able to use a hubspot workflow to enroll (and trigger) a contact into a sequence in the CRM. I'd like to execute a sequence we've built in our HubSpot CRM when a contact property changes. eg; when contact property is set to 'X' read more
262 Replies
March 31, 2020
Would be very nice if this would work.
StaceyM on April 27, 2017
I work in a team spread across 4 different time zones. It would be helpful if each of us could have our local time zone associated with our HS profile and that would carry through when I'm scheduling activities or assigning tasks.
225 Replies
July 30, 2019
Would be great if we could assign a specific timezone to a user. We are also running teams in Europe & US.
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