
Contributor | Platinum Partner
Member since ‎Nov 28, 2016
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Giovanni Zuanon

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LaurenLokker on November 16, 2017
I'm trying to sort out the page speed issues we're having with the template we bought for our website. Firstly I'd like help explaining how I fix these 22 items that Google's flagged, but secondly, what will that do to the page? How will it affe read more
1 upvote
15 Replies
Contributor | Platinum Partner
February 06, 2019
... but this is not a site on hubspot...
SvenVanbrabant on August 02, 2017
I am using HubDB to display a list of webinars. I use the following columns: event_start_date = start date of the event event_end_date = end date of the event landing_page_url = desination URL However, I would not like to display past webina read more
1 upvote
9 Replies
Contributor | Platinum Partner
October 15, 2018
Try this {% if (row['event_date_start']|unixtimestamp)>=(local_dt|unixtimestamp)%} It should work Giovanni
Rahel on January 20, 2017
Hi We gathered our team members in a HubDB and have them displayed on our website. We would like to rearrange the order, e.g. make it alphabetical or change it from time to time. Is there a possibility? Thanks, Rahel
46 Replies
Contributor | Platinum Partner
May 04, 2018
This is an example that I've do and this is the initial query param of this example {% set more
giozua on August 04, 2017
Hi all, is there a way to make a pagination with a table of a hubDB? I'm developing an events calendar and I've many rows in my table. I wish to watch only 5 rows per page and I know that there is the "offset" attribute to append to a query param read more
1 upvote
12 Replies
Contributor | Platinum Partner
September 27, 2017
Thank you very mutch It's a great solution. Now I will have to integrate it into a filter structure with a queryparam like this: {% set more
giozua on August 04, 2017
Hi all, is there a way to make a pagination with a table of a hubDB? I'm developing an events calendar and I've many rows in my table. I wish to watch only 5 rows per page and I know that there is the "offset" attribute to append to a query param read more
1 upvote
12 Replies
Contributor | Platinum Partner
September 27, 2017
Thank you very mutch It's a great solution. Now I will have to integrate it into a filter structure with a queryparam like this: {% set more
SvenVanbrabant on August 02, 2017
I am using HubDB to display a list of webinars. I use the following columns: event_start_date = start date of the event event_end_date = end date of the event landing_page_url = desination URL However, I would not like to display past webina read more
1 upvote
9 Replies
Contributor | Platinum Partner
October 15, 2018
Try this {% if (row['event_date_start']|unixtimestamp)>=(local_dt|unixtimestamp)%} It should work Giovanni
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