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Ian Leaman

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Vuk on Februar 07, 2018
It would be great to be able to filter the contacts based on the fact that there is a recorded call attached to it. This way a manager could go in and filter that, listen to the recording and provide feedback to the reps.
März 16, 2021
I'm marking this request as delivered. You can now access a list of calls from the navbar under contacts. Thanks for the feedback everyone! For Enter...Beitrag ansehen
Vuk on Februar 07, 2018
It would be great to be able to filter the contacts based on the fact that there is a recorded call attached to it. This way a manager could go in and filter that, listen to the recording and provide feedback to the reps.
März 16, 2021
I'm marking this request as delivered. You can now access a list of calls from the navbar under contacts. Thanks for the feedback everyone! For Enter...Beitrag ansehen
Vuk on Februar 07, 2018
It would be great to be able to filter the contacts based on the fact that there is a recorded call attached to it. This way a manager could go in and filter that, listen to the recording and provide feedback to the reps.
März 16, 2021
I'm marking this request as delivered. You can now access a list of calls from the navbar under contacts. Thanks for the feedback everyone! For Enter...Beitrag ansehen
laurenmarjorie on Januar 09, 2018
(posting on behalf of customer) We (management) must be able to create a list of calls with all details including call length, outcome and directly listen to the call. We can't manage the prospecting process without this functionality.
14 Antworten
Dezember 08, 2020
Hey Everyone, I'm the product manager for AI products at HubSpot. We have a closed beta of the list of calls as part of a wider product update...Beitrag ansehen
Yunhui on Juni 24, 2019
Yas, we've got the feature of manage duplicates that's great. One thought is there's no way to bulk merge of contact and company duplicates, and you'll need to go through one by one manually. I'm wondering if there's a better way for us instead Beitrag ansehen
168 Antworten
Juli 31, 2020
Hi, @neil2 that's an interesting request. I just flagged it with the Salesforce Sync team. Is there a reason their dashboards can't help you solve ...Beitrag ansehen
Yunhui on Juni 24, 2019
Yas, we've got the feature of manage duplicates that's great. One thought is there's no way to bulk merge of contact and company duplicates, and you'll need to go through one by one manually. I'm wondering if there's a better way for us instead Beitrag ansehen
168 Antworten
Juli 31, 2020
Hi, @neil2 that's an interesting request. I just flagged it with the Salesforce Sync team. Is there a reason their dashboards can't help you solve ...Beitrag ansehen
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