
Participant | Diamond Partner
Member since ‎Jul 21, 2019
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César Hernández

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IGardner on April 19, 2022
Any plans on supporting Gmail annotations in order for email marketers to stand out in the "Promotions" tab? These can display images, promos, or other information before the recipient even decides to open the email. Looks like a decent amount o read more
8 Replies
Participant | Diamond Partner
March 29, 2023
We want to add this to our emails, we have several retail customers who would benefit from this!
hseligson on March 29, 2023
Refer to the original announcement on the developer changelog . March 2023 developer updates include theme-level module updates, SEO filter recommendations, new HubL variables, deprecation of the Gallery Default Module, sandboxes with unlimit read more
2 Replies
Participant | Diamond Partner
March 29, 2023
Hi team, we wan to list in the Assets Market place an Email Template we saw in this year the templates were going to be revamp. Do you have a date more
somoschapa on June 01, 2020
Hola! Estamos intentando integrar HubSpot con Mercadolibre para responder las consultas de las publicaciones desde HubSpot. Alguno lo hizo antes o sabe si es posible? Podemos hacer que las consultas creen tickets, por ejemplo, pero no estamos en read more
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18 Replies
Participant | Diamond Partner
October 16, 2022
Hola Comunidad, primero le respondi solo al ultimo post, pero ahora lo dejo para todos!!! Nosotros tenemos una integración que ya está en el more
somoschapa on June 01, 2020
Hola! Estamos intentando integrar HubSpot con Mercadolibre para responder las consultas de las publicaciones desde HubSpot. Alguno lo hizo antes o sabe si es posible? Podemos hacer que las consultas creen tickets, por ejemplo, pero no estamos en read more
0 upvote
18 Replies
Participant | Diamond Partner
October 16, 2022
Hola Comunidad, primero le respondi solo al ultimo post, pero ahora lo dejo para todos!!! Nosotros tenemos una integración que ya está en el more
danmoyle on May 02, 2022
We use Custom Objects for interacting with our Contacts. Which means we email from those Custom Objects. Unfortunately, we can't use Templates unless we're in Company, Deal or Contact records. I'd love to see us have access to Templates in Custom Ob read more
11 Replies
Participant | Diamond Partner
May 02, 2022
Yes, please!!! I vote for it
Trevor on June 20, 2017
Subject says it all. A graph showing frequency of calls and connect rate by time of day and day of the week would be phenomenal.
35 Replies
Participant | Diamond Partner
August 20, 2021
Every one has said it but just to summirize, we wolud love to have: Tickets per week of the year Tickets per day of the week Tickets per more
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