
Member since ‎Jul 18, 2019
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Oscar Perers

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KyleM on August 29, 2019
My understanding is you can connect an Office 365 shared mailbox to a personal Hubspot account with IMAP settings, however, this option doesn't seem to bve available for the team shared mailbox connection in Hubspot. This would be extremely usef read more
110 Replies
May 25, 2021
Throwing my vote in here as well. This indeed would be a large releif. Our group emails now has 20+ email rules as workarounds to hosted addresses more
0megan on July 18, 2019
Hi, I'm frequently emailing lists of existing contacts and use a lot of data processing outside of Hubspot & CSV outputs. I would like to simply import CSV files with email-addresses of EXISTING contacts and create a list of these contacs. read more
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2 Replies
July 18, 2019
Thank you Phil, I gave it a few more tries and I got it working for me. Thank you for clarifying!
0megan on July 18, 2019
Hi, I'm frequently emailing lists of existing contacts and use a lot of data processing outside of Hubspot & CSV outputs. I would like to simply import CSV files with email-addresses of EXISTING contacts and create a list of these contacs. read more
0 upvote
2 Replies
July 18, 2019
Thank you Phil, I gave it a few more tries and I got it working for me. Thank you for clarifying!
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