
Member since ‎Jul 17, 2019
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VagaeNatus on February 08, 2019
Currently, filters involving rules like "last X days", excludes today . We need a second version of that filter that includes today . Use case: I want to track the activity of my Sales Reps, I build a report and I want to see how is the activi read more
March 18, 2021
Is there an ETA on this feature? Thanks!
kagillespie on October 04, 2017
It would be very useful if Enterprise customers that are hosting multiple domains could have more than one active email preferences page. If the domains are completely unrelated and a contact is subscribed to one domain, why do they have to see all read more
January 17, 2021
Is there any updates - it looks like this has been planned for a while now
LaraPeachtree on August 13, 2018
Need to easily export emails created in Hubspot for third party deployment!
33 Replies
October 06, 2020
Check out this post, it may help:
Nikbin on June 11, 2017
Hey guys, we are having an issue with the validation of emails in our Hubspot form. E.g. Using the email address "" is being displayed as not valid although the domain exists. Any ideas? You can find the form here read more
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62 Replies
October 04, 2020
@JessicaH We have had somewhat similar instances and this is the most relevant thread. (1) Receiving submissions from from emails using fake more
LK638 on July 27, 2020
Could someone clarify for me what consequences/effect a connected email sending domain has on marketing emails and sales emails (via the CRM and via connected inboxes). When sending an email from any of these sources/with these settings, 'who' is t read more
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11 Replies
August 04, 2020
@PamCotton I think there is a misunderstanding here, not sure where. However, one of our sales reps sent an email to a contact who had opted out more
LK638 on July 27, 2020
Could someone clarify for me what consequences/effect a connected email sending domain has on marketing emails and sales emails (via the CRM and via connected inboxes). When sending an email from any of these sources/with these settings, 'who' is t read more
0 upvote
11 Replies
August 04, 2020
@PamCotton I think there is a misunderstanding here, not sure where. However, one of our sales reps sent an email to a contact who had opted out more
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