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Simon Stocks

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KarolinaOlczak on März 21, 2019
Hello, I would like to copy the property from my contact into the ticket. I want to be able to access URL from our application directly from tickets to save the hassle, but unfortunately, it looks that I can't copy contact properties to ticket p Beitrag ansehen
Dezember 09, 2020
My use case is a lot simpler than others here - all I want is for when you create a new ticket directly from a customer record, for that ticket to ha...Beitrag ansehen
Snaedis on September 07, 2020
There have been a number of different posts in the Community which are about the same core need (customizing the styling of the knowledge base), but many have been marked as "solved" or "delivered" because of options that get you part-way there. I'm Beitrag ansehen
September 16, 2019
Agree with everything everyone else has says. Not being able to style the knowledge base articles is a big problem, particularly when there is so mu...Beitrag ansehen
Hubsforero on April 11, 2019
Hello! We are facing a lack of HubSpot regarding the cookies settings. The GDPR enforces all websites to notify to all visitors when their data are being stored, this process should be totally explicit for the users, as their data should be t Beitrag ansehen
August 05, 2019
We have also hit this requirement today. Our legal team have advised that due to changed ICO guidance in the UK, the Cookies popup etc on Hubspot is...Beitrag ansehen
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