
Member since ‎May 21, 2019
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neil stone

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katharine on May 01, 2017
I was disappointed to see that I can't do an A/B test in an automated email: Marketo (a HubSpot competitor) allows this functionality. Can you add this read more
293 Replies
September 11, 2020
Can't wait for this to be completed. I fed back to your VoC team a few months back that I felt so much time is being spend developing other parts of more
katharine on May 01, 2017
I was disappointed to see that I can't do an A/B test in an automated email: Marketo (a HubSpot competitor) allows this functionality. Can you add this read more
293 Replies
September 11, 2020
Can't wait for this to be completed. I fed back to your VoC team a few months back that I felt so much time is being spend developing other parts of more
Yunhui on June 24, 2019
Yas, we've got the feature of manage duplicates that's great. One thought is there's no way to bulk merge of contact and company duplicates, and you'll need to go through one by one manually. I'm wondering if there's a better way for us instead read more
171 Replies
July 31, 2020
@ianleaman there is a bit of a bug that took me quite some time to figure out what the problem was. HubSpot notification on Salesforce sync on the more
Yunhui on June 24, 2019
Yas, we've got the feature of manage duplicates that's great. One thought is there's no way to bulk merge of contact and company duplicates, and you'll need to go through one by one manually. I'm wondering if there's a better way for us instead read more
171 Replies
July 31, 2020
@ianleaman there is a bit of a bug that took me quite some time to figure out what the problem was. HubSpot notification on Salesforce sync on the more
Yunhui on June 24, 2019
Yas, we've got the feature of manage duplicates that's great. One thought is there's no way to bulk merge of contact and company duplicates, and you'll need to go through one by one manually. I'm wondering if there's a better way for us instead read more
171 Replies
July 31, 2020
@ianleaman there is a bit of a bug that took me quite some time to figure out what the problem was. HubSpot notification on Salesforce sync on the more
neil2 on July 23, 2020
I have a couple of re-occurring errors with Salesforce due to automation and validation rules that are set. My workaround for these is changing the SF property in HubSpot via workflow. I currently have to do this every few days so it would b read more
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