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James Woods

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Woodsy on September 10, 2024
Hi, is there a way to remove the link from a blog authors name if they have only written one blog? Currently all blog authors names link to a page deicated to all the posts they have written. <h4>Written by <a class="author Beitrag ansehen
7 Antworten
September 24, 2024
Thank you for taking the time to look into this for me. I have aded the code into my html but am getting an error: The error console isn't mu...Beitrag ansehen
Woodsy on September 23, 2024
Hi, I have created a custom module that displays resources. I want to display pain points against each resource. I have set up a database with a pain point on each row in a column labeled Name. I would like the content creator to be able to s Beitrag ansehen
SH82 on August 09, 2024
purchased a couple of marketplace modules to use on my website. If I need to edit or add any fields in those modules, how can I do that? I noticed that the Design Manager has an option to clone. Where can I find the cloned module? In a HubSp Beitrag ansehen
September 10, 2024
It is crazy that it isn't possible. If someone is purchasing a module from the Hubspot Marketplace the likely hood is that it would need a certain le...Beitrag ansehen
Woodsy on September 10, 2024
Hi, is there a way to remove the link from a blog authors name if they have only written one blog? Currently all blog authors names link to a page deicated to all the posts they have written. <h4>Written by <a class="author Beitrag ansehen
7 Antworten
September 24, 2024
Thank you for taking the time to look into this for me. I have aded the code into my html but am getting an error: The error console isn't mu...Beitrag ansehen
Woodsy on September 02, 2024
Hi I am trying to work out the best way to code a filter list so that if a tag from category is selected then the dropdown list in the category 2 dropdown will not show the tag that had already been selected in the first dropdown. The hubl Beitrag ansehen
Woodsy on August 30, 2024
Hi I am working on a custom module for a resource centre. I have added a text field that adds a category to the resource listing card and also adds it to the filter dropdown. I have got a single category to display in the card and filter list. Beitrag ansehen
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