
Member since ‎Apr 10, 2019
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Riffat Lakhani

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annegaslin on August 02, 2018
It would be nice if we could see a list/round-up of contacts who met a workflow goal and are included in the "GOAL CONVERSION RATE" in the workflow performance tab. You can view/edit the goal right from there, but it would be really nice to be a read more
37 Replies
August 16, 2019
Yes also it would be helpful to have multiple goals set for workflows and see who has reached each of those goals.
khughes on April 03, 2017
We have a need for the option to add CC and BCC to emails that are sent from HubSpot. We have two important use cases for this. Use case 1: We have a registration form set up on our website. When someone registers, they receive an automated email f read more
258 Replies
August 16, 2019
This looks like it’s been originally requested back in 2017, and I definitely think there is a need for CC and BCC. Our sales team wants to be BCCd more
WhoOrderedRice on May 01, 2018
We have the outlook sidekick plugin on our email accounts, which logs emails and gives you a nice sidebar for more contact details. - Which is great for our actual customer contacts. However, this plugin is currently adding absolutely everyone read more
May 07, 2019
Agreed - the current process is very cumbersome and doesn't even work properly. I want to be able to test a deal based workflow as an actual more
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