
Miembro desde ‎abr 8, 2019
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Cody Gondyke

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bellawu en Abril 06, 2017
Can you implement a feature so that if your workflow is determined by x amount of days follow up, you can set up a rule that will avoid sending emails on any bank holidays, Christmas day, New year etc. You already have a business days only rule so Leer más
73 Me gusta
23 Respuestas
Abril 24, 2020
@MeganLegge Mitchell hit the nail on the head with his reponse. Pausing a workflow is a nice ability to deal with certain situations, but the real...Leer más
VagaeNatus en Agosto 13, 2018
Create a "Hubspot managed" property on all object types (contacts, deals, companies, tickets, etc.) called "Created by" and containing the name of the user who created the record. This field should be Hubspot managed a bit like "Created Date" or "Li Leer más
16 Me gusta
1 Respuestas
Noviembre 26, 2019
I would've expected this to be present on any database as standard functionality. If it's a visibility issue, the "created by" values should be acces...Leer más
samglenn en Septiembre 04, 2019
For all content options that allow you to organize with folders, it would be extremely helpful to be able to create folders within folders for better organization leading to less duplicates and efficiency when looking for content already created my Leer más
Septiembre 10, 2019
This is a great idea - especially for larger organizations that are managing multiple campaigns and products.
Gondyke en Agosto 26, 2019
Currently, users are forced to select between either a contact property or a manually entered email address for an internal email recipient. E.g. - A scoring workflow sends a score notification message. It should be sent to an owning user (stored Leer más
14 Me gusta
2 Respuestas
bellawu en Abril 06, 2017
IF statements is a nice addition, but it is useless if the 2 branches created cannot be reconnected to continue a workflow. Otherwise it just forces us to duplicate all the common events in two branches, once the IF exception is passed... http: Leer más
237 Me gusta
92 Respuestas
May 10, 2019
Hi Bheo, While creating another workflow would technically allow someone to acheive similar functionality, it means managing a second workflow, a...Leer más
ticketprinting en May 17, 2017
We would love to have the ability to select the timezone for the workflow when setting it. Some context here: we send email campaigns out targetting customers from different countries. We send those emails around 9:00AM. HubSpot assumes that the t Leer más
130 Me gusta
45 Respuestas
Abril 08, 2019
In other systems, it's possible to set the send time on the Send Email step inside of a workflow - that way, the individual steps can be configured t...Leer más
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