
Colaborador(a) | Parceiro Elite
Membro desde ‎mai 10, 2017
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Darren Trumeter


Dara-London on Setembro 25, 2024
Hello, Is there anyone who can kindly spare a few minutes to talk me through the steps of migrating data from Insightly CRM to HubSpot please? A few folks kindly sent me some links but I got a bit lost. Thank you, Dara
0 avaliações positivas
2 Respostas
Colaborador(a) | Parceiro Elite
Setembro 25, 2024
Dara, we are glad to help with advice or can even take over and get it done if needed too... I'm .
jameswindrow on Fevereiro 02, 2017
I've created a custom source field for Contacts and mirrored it in Deals. The reason for this is because the Hubspot default options were too limiting and could not be edited. Now I want to map the fields so when a new deal is created from a Contact Leia mais
236 avaliações positivas
77 Respostas
Colaborador(a) | Parceiro Elite
Julho 13, 2018
Anna, I have setup Zaps to do just this, and it works fairly straightforward if it is not overly complex. Zap has limitations on what you can do wit...Leia mais
Matt_Sciannella on Fevereiro 02, 2018
When did HubSpot spot allowing users to replace PDFs with other versions? I can't do that now. I LOVED that feature, because then it meant all my CTAs would automatically take the new URL with the new file. Now it's so much more backchecking. C Leia mais
0 avaliações positivas
3 Respostas
Colaborador(a) | Parceiro Elite
Junho 07, 2018
Does this also work with the Sales templates and docs, or only for marketing?
kgregorakis on Março 28, 2018
Anyone, when receiving the Daily Prospect report, there is a button called PREVIEW that drills down, within this section, it displays About the Company and also displays a list of Related companies (8), with an associated button labeled ADD. When Leia mais
0 avaliações positivas
3 Respostas
Colaborador(a) | Parceiro Elite
Março 28, 2018
Thanks for the detail... I don't know of any automations within HubSpot to add contacts in this flow, but I do know of two entities that might add va...Leia mais
kgregorakis on Março 28, 2018
Anyone, when receiving the Daily Prospect report, there is a button called PREVIEW that drills down, within this section, it displays About the Company and also displays a list of Related companies (8), with an associated button labeled ADD. When Leia mais
0 avaliações positivas
3 Respostas
Colaborador(a) | Parceiro Elite
Março 28, 2018
Thanks for the detail... I don't know of any automations within HubSpot to add contacts in this flow, but I do know of two entities that might add va...Leia mais
sskurdah on Fevereiro 16, 2018
Hi there - I have a question about connecting Google Sheets with HubSpot deals. I want to upate a Google sheet with the current Deal Stage of a deal as the deal moves through the pipeline. I know you can update sheets with HubSpot data thr Leia mais
0 avaliações positivas
13 Respostas
Colaborador(a) | Parceiro Elite
Fevereiro 20, 2018
Looks like you would need multiple Zaps but they would be easy, as you can copy Zaps on your Home Screen. Look at list of Zaps, and the down arrow o...Leia mais
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