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Adam Neveu

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adamn on März 03, 2022
Hey So this new tool to suggest a few times... I would love if we were told they clicked the time and booked in. If you could replicate how it works with calendar link that would be sick
14 Antworten
christourre on Dezember 29, 2017
When creating a deal from a contact record, Hubspot will automatically title it as the Company Name (great) and add "- New Deal" on to the deal name as well. There is no way to configure the system so that it does not automatically do this. Beitrag ansehen
86 Antworten
Juli 29, 2020
Yeaaaa lol - why is this not a toggle or customizable field in settings? lol
alexey_pelykh on Juli 09, 2018
When we create an event in calendar, there's an option to create a Google Meet link with dial-in number - it would be great if this option was available when meeting is scheduled via HubSpot Meetings as well.
73 Antworten
Dezember 27, 2019
Yes, I am switching from Zoom to Meet (Google Hangouts) since it has never failed on creating a connection with prospects. Zoom would make people dow...Beitrag ansehen
wearesno on Oktober 24, 2017
Hi, I was interested in pushing the idea of sequences to contacts on mobile. Currently it is a big feature that is lacking from mobile and hurting our ability to respond quickly. Cheers
März 27, 2019
Upvoted - this is key I think when I am on the road - I already have contacts created from the forms haha but nothing happens after that if it's a Sa...Beitrag ansehen
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