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Richard Cobbett

Dieser Benutzer hat noch keine Beschreibung erstellt. Bearbeite Dein Profil hier.


rcobbett on Juli 30, 2020
I'd love to be able to manage all users from a central Super Admin portal. - Setup email - Setup calendar - Setup meeting links - Setup Zoom accounts It's annoying have to ask users for passwords to HubSpot. Be lovely to have a central po Beitrag ansehen
DiegoPI on Juni 11, 2018
It would be great to be able to change the default meeting reminder email or meeting booked email when creating a scheduling page. The minor customization allowed in the form of additional unformtted text is not enough. It would also be great to be Beitrag ansehen
343 Antworten
September 17, 2019
Our clients are making us setup acuity scheduling until this gets sorted as their meeting requesters are being confused by meeting and not call
brkn on August 01, 2018
As of now, custom properties are only added to the "about" section of a contact record. I'm suggesting that either: 1. Adding the ability to create group properties and display them in their own reorderable "display card/widget" (as you can wi Beitrag ansehen
Februar 24, 2019
This is something i'd like to be able to do inside Hubspot. Create forms to view/edit information and have the ability to use custom fields custom co...Beitrag ansehen
gelflex-cc on Februar 04, 2019
Just wondering if anyone else is experiencing slow loading. Use Google Chrome browser with Sales Extension. Each record loads very slowly and seems to show back end items - the domain first pops up "external link" before loading the link. I am not Beitrag ansehen
23 Antworten
Februar 08, 2019
For me Apple Macbook pro 2019 Latest OS Chrome - with latest updates as of 9/2/19 Gmail is slow with the addon. Take addon away its fast.
gelflex-cc on Februar 04, 2019
Just wondering if anyone else is experiencing slow loading. Use Google Chrome browser with Sales Extension. Each record loads very slowly and seems to show back end items - the domain first pops up "external link" before loading the link. I am not Beitrag ansehen
23 Antworten
Februar 08, 2019
For me Apple Macbook pro 2019 Latest OS Chrome - with latest updates as of 9/2/19 Gmail is slow with the addon. Take addon away its fast.
brkn on August 01, 2018
As of now, custom properties are only added to the "about" section of a contact record. I'm suggesting that either: 1. Adding the ability to create group properties and display them in their own reorderable "display card/widget" (as you can wi Beitrag ansehen
Februar 24, 2019
This is something i'd like to be able to do inside Hubspot. Create forms to view/edit information and have the ability to use custom fields custom co...Beitrag ansehen
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