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Alana Hope

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mkarsten on Juli 23, 2019
We export similar types of data regularly, and removing the default properties HubSpot has set and selecting the same group of properties can be tedious when exporting several lists in a row. It's common that we don't need to export "Companies" prop Beitrag ansehen
31 Antworten
November 04, 2019
This is a must-have. Having to reset these for each dataset type is laborious. Custom data pre-sets needed for exports.
andyhampshire on August 22, 2017
We need the ability to grant users access to multiple teams so when they are creating deals, companies or contacts they can specify which team they are doing this for. This will allow our support staff to support multiple individuals in a way th Beitrag ansehen
151 Antworten
Juni 28, 2019
This is vital to enable a team the feature "round robin." without it, we simply cannot take advantage of this much-needed feature. Use-case: Co...Beitrag ansehen
lovinglife324 on September 01, 2017
It doesn't seem that I can have a user assigned to multiple teams. the moment I try to change team, it becomes their default
10 Antworten
Juni 28, 2019
This is vital to enable a team the feature "round robin." without it, we simply cannot take advantage of this much-needed feature. Use-case: Co...Beitrag ansehen
natalia_loewen on März 21, 2019
We need more differentiated user permissions. Our Idea: User can be given permissions to see all data for the child team and also for parent team. When teams need to work together, we have no possibility to open the access to deals for parent t Beitrag ansehen
4 Antworten
Juni 28, 2019
This is vital to enable a team the feature "round robin." without it, we simply cannot take advantage of this much needed feature. Use-case: Co...Beitrag ansehen
CoachAaronCCR on Juli 11, 2017
Would love the ability from within at least the Sales side of things to automatically map/populate Deal Properties from a Contact's properties. We came over from Salesforce where this could be done in conversion, and this is definitely an area we mi Beitrag ansehen
Juni 17, 2019
I am looking to set up a two-way sync between Deals and contacts. There should be a way to create one global field that is shared across Companies, C...Beitrag ansehen
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