
Member since ‎Feb 17, 2018
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Guna Pandian

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Guna_Pandian on March 24, 2018
To get engagements of all contacts I'm using below api: Is there any api or any parameter to add for fetching engagements of particu read more
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Guna_Pandian on March 23, 2018
I've created a team with a two users. I checked in contact detail screen which has option for owner team. But it is not editable. How to assign a contact to a team instead of to a user? Thanks, Guna
5 Replies
Guna_Pandian on March 15, 2018
I'm using Get all contacts API to fetch all contacts from hubspot. During sync interval, I need to fetch contacts created or updated after particular time. I've checked getRecent records in contacts. But it seems to get all records from last 30 da read more
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Guna_Pandian on February 17, 2018
I’m using contacts api to get list of contacts. I want to know owner of the contact and creator of the contact. My use case is like below: User A created a contact and assigned that contact to User B. owner: User B creator: User A Which field read more
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3 Replies
February 21, 2018
Thank you Danny for the info.
Guna_Pandian on February 17, 2018
I’m using Owners API to get list of CRM users. I could get users details. And also want to know their roles such that Super admin, Admin or Standard users. Help me on this to get role of all users.
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4 Replies
February 20, 2018
Thank you guys for the info.
Guna_Pandian on February 17, 2018
I’m using Owners API to get list of CRM users. I could get users details. And also want to know their roles such that Super admin, Admin or Standard users. Help me on this to get role of all users.
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4 Replies
February 20, 2018
Thank you guys for the info.
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