
Member since ‎Nov 30, 2018
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Andrei Badoiu

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Aaaaandrei on October 17, 2019
Hi, I'm working on creating a video directory, using HubDB to store the details for each video. I'm looking for a way where a user can filter the results iterated from HubDB by interacting with HTML checkboxes like this: The issue I'm hav read more
October 30, 2019
Hi @Kevin-C , Thanks a lot for sharing this! While I can't directly apply this, it's really useful to look at your logic and try to extrapolate more
Aaaaandrei on October 17, 2019
Hi, I'm working on creating a video directory, using HubDB to store the details for each video. I'm looking for a way where a user can filter the results iterated from HubDB by interacting with HTML checkboxes like this: The issue I'm hav read more
October 30, 2019
Hi @Kevin-C , Thanks a lot for sharing this! While I can't directly apply this, it's really useful to look at your logic and try to extrapolate more
Aaaaandrei on October 17, 2019
Hi, I'm working on creating a video directory, using HubDB to store the details for each video. I'm looking for a way where a user can filter the results iterated from HubDB by interacting with HTML checkboxes like this: The issue I'm hav read more
October 30, 2019
Hi @Kevin-C , Thanks a lot for sharing this! While I can't directly apply this, it's really useful to look at your logic and try to extrapolate more
Aaaaandrei on December 04, 2018
Hi, My goal is to store the URL of the page the form is embedded on inside a contact property. So I built a form with a hidden field. Embedded the form on the site so I can pick the field class(es) - hidden fields don't have an ID in Hub read more
0 upvote
11 Replies
December 12, 2018
Hi @Connor_Barley This is the link: It's a test website and as you more
Aaaaandrei on December 04, 2018
Hi, My goal is to store the URL of the page the form is embedded on inside a contact property. So I built a form with a hidden field. Embedded the form on the site so I can pick the field class(es) - hidden fields don't have an ID in Hub read more
0 upvote
11 Replies
December 12, 2018
Hi @Connor_Barley This is the link: It's a test website and as you more
Aaaaandrei on December 06, 2018
Hi there. Context: I'm currently installing a few lines of jQuery on several non-hubspot pages. The pages have a hubspot form with a hidden field that the jQuery should automatically populate with the page URL upon form submission. The URL s read more
0 upvote
6 Replies
December 07, 2018
Amazing, thanks @Connor_Barley . I tested it and it works!
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