
Member since ‎May 3, 2024
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Jocel Siglos

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chrlee on August 03, 2023
Email segmentation is impacted by a variety of factors. Give us some context about your company and industry, and tell us about segments you've created in your email marketing strategy that have led to greater engagement 💥
639 Replies
July 31, 2024
Segmeting people who initially showed interest and categorizing them by location (city, state, zip).
Champion on June 29, 2021
One of the best ways to learn email marketing is by implementing strategies and sharing ideas with other email marketers, just like you. That’s why we’re so excited to create this community of email marketers to learn and grow better together! To read more
2557 Replies
July 31, 2024
Hey, I'm Joe and I am a web developer and marketing associate for an IT consulting company. An unforgettable email strucks me if it was pleasing, more
JSiglos on July 31, 2024
Hey everyone, do you have a "Don't do" list which what I have to avoid in creating our first email campaign? Our company recently started using HubSpot as a CRM and we transferred (more like re-created) our website here from another platform. read more
Vanessa_megg on November 25, 2016
Hello everyone, I have to create a one page website. At the top of the page, I place a horizontal menu with some anchor links. When a user clicks on one of these, will arrive on a specific section of the page with a scroll effect. Can I create a read more
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33 Replies
May 03, 2024
Hello Ty, thanks for sharing. I'm a newbie at coding. I added this in the Settings > Advanced but it only pasted word per word of the code in the more
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