
Member since ‎Apr 24, 2017
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jcox on January 17, 2017
I've seen the response to this query is that it is currently unavailable but being able to have deals in a range of currencies would be very useful.
112 Replies
January 09, 2018
we also need this in order to completely switch from our old platform to Hubspot deals
hayesnelson on June 27, 2017
I'd like to be able to use a hubspot workflow to enroll (and trigger) a contact into a sequence in the CRM. I'd like to execute a sequence we've built in our HubSpot CRM when a contact property changes. eg; when contact property is set to 'X' read more
262 Replies
October 30, 2017
This would be great to have indeed. I spend too much time kicking the sequences off instead of having it automated...
roarkjanis on April 08, 2017
When logging emails to CRM, allow the attachments to be placed into or linked with the Deal or Contact.
October 30, 2017
I would also love to see this in the near future.
samglenn on September 04, 2019
For all content options that allow you to organize with folders, it would be extremely helpful to be able to create folders within folders for better organization leading to less duplicates and efficiency when looking for content already created my read more
October 30, 2017
@roisinkirby Is there any update on this? Thanks!
maximilianq on December 30, 2016
Some deals are closed once, but are renewed every week, month or year without having to close them again. Therefore, it would be great to have renewable deals that are automatically shown in the dashboard as recurring revenue. This means read more
136 Replies
October 26, 2017
@MayPascaud : Is there any update on this? Thanks in advance.
samglenn on September 04, 2019
For all content options that allow you to organize with folders, it would be extremely helpful to be able to create folders within folders for better organization leading to less duplicates and efficiency when looking for content already created my read more
October 30, 2017
@roisinkirby Is there any update on this? Thanks!
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